About Yuzu Ichandrin
Aromatic, easy-to-peel 3" fruit. Generally used for cooking rather than eating fresh, the fruit can be used in all stages, from young with a green rind to over-mature with a dark yellow rind. Hardy to 10°F. C. ichangensis x C. reticulata
About Citrus
Fragrant white flowers and glossy foliage. Needs excellent drainage. All are self-fruitful. Height depends on how many years it’s over-wintered indoors. Our dwarf citrus are grafted onto Flying Dragon rootstock, which keeps the plants below 6' and induces early fruit production. Move indoors when temperatures are below 40°F. Fruits in one to two years, then fruits year-round.
Pot Size & Price
1 gal. pot
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun
Plant Traits
Cold Sensitive