How to become an exhibitor
If you're interested in being an Exhibitor at the May 8 – 12, 2025 Friends School Garden Fair, download the files at the bottom of this page, complete them, and return them with your deposit to Friends School of Minnesota (the address is on the forms). Note: You may submit the previous year's forms for the next year.
Please note some significant changes this year – because the State Fair is requiring us to move all Plant Sale/Garden Fair parking from the Midway (west of the Grandstand) to the Transit Hub (northwest of the Grandstand), we are relocating the Garden Fair to the West End Plaza so it will be more accessible to all customers.
See the new location of the 2025 Garden Fair on this map.) The West End Plaza is at Point 16 – just above the north end of Liggett Street at I-23 on the map. Garden Fair Exhibitors can be present any or all of the days the Garden Fair is open. Please note the following:
- Submitting an application does not guarantee entry into the Garden Fair. Please send in your registration fee along with your application. Your registration fee will be returned if you are not selected to participate in the Garden Fair.
- Exhibitor applications are approved based on selection by the Friends School Plant Sale planning committee. Criteria used to evaluate Exhibitors include assessing whether they have garden-related offerings that do not duplicate those offered by the Friends School of Minnesota.
- No food or beverages may be sold for consumption on site (food vendors go through a separate process).
- All forms must be returned to Friends School of Minnesota by February 10, 2025 to be included in the printed catalog. Otherwise, exhibit space must be applied for and approved by April 11, 2025, and all forms must be returned to Friends School of Minnesota before the start of the sale in order to exhibit at the sale.
- Exhibitor check-in for setup is between 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2025, at the wristband station on the West End Plaza. Please make alternative arrangements beforehand if you are not able to set up during those times.
Please see more details in the Exhibitor Instructions. Pricing and fees are included in the Exhibitor Documents below.
Participating in the Garden Fair
Forms to fill out and return
Please read the instructions letter and submit the three forms, plus proof of insurance:
- Exhibitor instructions (pdf)
- Exhibitor application (pdf)
- Exhibitor waiver form (pdf)
- State sales tax form (pdf)
FAQ for Exhibitors
Where is the Garden Fair located?
Because the State Fair is requiring us to move all Plant Sale parking to the Transit Hub northwest of the Grandstand, we have also relocated the Garden Fair. This way all customers will have the opportunity to see all the Garden Fair Exhibitors. We are relocating to the West End Plaza, just north of the end of Liggett Street. All customers will park in the Transit Hub and then walk through the West End Plaza to get their wristbands for admission to the Plant Sale. See a map at Point #16, I-23.
What are the times for the Garden Fair?
The listed times are:
- Friday: 7:00 a.m. (wristbands); sale open: 9 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (wristbands); sale open 10 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (wristbands); sale open 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Do I have to exhibit the whole time?
No, you do not have to be there the whole time. We realize these are extremely long hours to be exhibiting. If you cannot be there the whole time, we suggest the following hours as peak times when you should have your booth staffed:
- Friday: 7:00 a.m. – early afternoon
- Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – early afternoon
- Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – noon
Customer traffic will be slow and at a very relaxed pace outside of the peak hours.
Is it outside only?
Yes, all exhibitors for the Garden Fair are located outside. We may make an exceptions for exhibitors with primarily weather-sensitive product, such as books.
When is setup?
Setup is on the Thursday morning and early afternoon before the sale. Please refer to the exhibitor documents for a specific time. If you cannot set up on Thursday, please contact the coordinator for an alternative setup time.
Can I leave my stuff out overnight?
Most exhibitors cover their products and leave their tents out for the evening. Do not leave cash or other valuables in your tent overnight. We have not had security issues in the past, but the Garden Fair does not have specific security people assigned to the area.
The State Fair Security officers patrol the whole area periodically at night and we usually have volunteers working on site both very early in the morning and late into the evening.
In any case, it’s important that you remove any valuables and cash from your tent when you leave for the evening. The event is not liable for any damage to your booth or exhibit.
How much space do I have for my booth?
We allocate a space suitable for a 10’ by 10’ tent. Most spaces are a bit larger. Understanding that gardening equipment and art can be large, we try to accommodate all of our exhibitors’ spatial needs. Please indicate special space needs on your application form.
Where will my booth be located?
A map with booth locations will be sent out about a week before the event.
What is the cost of exhibiting?
We try to keep our fees reasonable so that we can help support local and small organizations that exhibit. Please see the exhibitor documents for specifics.
What is the process for the last day and checking out?
When you are ready to leave, please locate the coordinator for final check out.
How do I get on the list for next year?
If you're reading this during late spring, summer or fall, please feel free to submit the previous sale year’s Garden Fair application forms to the sale. It's also fine to email us at [email protected] with questions about exhibiting in the Garden Fair.
How can I be an exhibitor?
Send in the forms, or if you want to enquire about the likelihood of acceptance, email [email protected]. If you're reading this in summer or fall before the next year's forms have been posted, you can submit the previous sale year’s Garden Fair application forms. Submission of an application does not guarantee inclusion in the sale.
Are exhibitors allowed to shop at the plant sale?
Yes, exhibitors are allowed to shop any time at the sale. Additionally, exhibitors receive two “Golden Tickets” for shopping at the Thursday afternoon and evening volunteer pre-sale.