2025 Sale Hours
- Friday, May 9: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Saturday, May 10: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday, May 11: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (all remaining plants 1/3 off)
What's New for 2025
- No parking in the Midway. The biggest news this year is that we’ve changed our primary parking lot and moved the Wristband Booth and Garden Fair locations. Our parking lot is now in the Transit Hub, northwest of the Grandstand. The Wristband Booth and Garden Fair are in the plaza between parking and the Plant Sale. Note: With these changes, there is no parking in the Midway. You can find a full explanation of these changes—with maps—here.
- More compact. The Herb and Vegetable sections are more compact than last year. The tomatoes will be closer to the rest of the vegetables—no longer at the end of Annuals.
- Mushrooms inside. We’ve moved the mushrooms inside the Grandstand. You’ll now find them near the sale entrance, at the bottom of the west stairway.
- Finding the Fruit. If you’re looking to buy an apple tree this year, they have moved to the far southeast corner of the fenced area, next to Shrubs & Trees. The rest of Fruit continues west along that fence, and goes behind the Info Desk tent. (See the sale map.)
- New plants. There are more than 220 new varieties in this year’s sale: 38 annuals, 80 perennials, 18 shrubs and trees, 20 unusual and rare plants, 13 fruits or nuts, and 33 vegetables.
- Texts for wristband group announcements. This is not new, but just a reminder that we no longer post individual wristband group admission times on Twitter. Instead, please sign up for texts when it’s your turn to shop, or when wristbands are no longer required each day. You can sign up for texts after you receive your wristband or on the day you shop. Note that we delete all phone numbers after the sale is over.
Sale Details
Wristband system in use each day for admission
Shoppers are given a paper wristband as they arrive at the Wristband Booth — located on the west edge of the Garden Fair — one per person.
Wristbands are distributed starting at:
- Friday: 6:30 a.m. (sale opens at 9:00)
- Saturday: 8:00 a.m. (sale opens at 10:00)
- Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (sale opens at 10:00 — all remaining plants 1/3 off)
Wristbands are needed for entry from when the sale opens until at least early afternoon.
Once the sale opens, shoppers enter the building in a group of other people who have the same number on their wristbands.
If you arrive early, plan to visit our outdoor Garden Fair after picking up your wristband.
If you have been waiting elsewhere or visiting the Garden Fair, please plan to be near the entrance at the west end of the Grandstand in time to line up with your group. Don’t worry…we’ll have volunteers to help.
You can sign up to get a text message when it’s your turn to shop. You can sign up for the texts after you receive your wristband or on the day you plan to shop if you just want to know when wristbands are no longer needed. (Note: messaging and data rates may apply.)
Please note: If you have friends arriving later than you or parking the car, they will be given a wristband number at the time of their arrival, not yours. This system makes the waiting process fair for everyone, and we appreciate your cooperation.
If you leave the area and return after your group has entered the building, you can enter the sale as soon as you arrive.
Getting to the sale
Recommended driving routes can be found here.
Metro Transit buses and bike access
- The best pedestrian and bike gate to use is Gate 9 on the south side of the Fairgrounds. It is adjacent to the off-road bike path on Como and next to the Route 3 bus stops on Como Ave, two blocks from the A Line bus stops on Snelling.
- The Fairgrounds are served by the 3 bus on Como Avenue and the A Line rapid transit bus on Snelling Avenue.
- Bus schedules, route planning from where you are, and Next Ride are available here: www.metrotransit.org
Parking and admission
Admission to the Friends School Plant Sale is free.
Parking at the State Fair is free. See our detailed information about the new parking lot (no parking in the Midway). There is bike parking at the northwest corner of Dan Patch and Liggett.
Parking for people with handicapped hangtags is in the southeast corner of the new parking lot nearest to the Wristband Booth, described in the accessibility section of the new parking lot page.
Metro Mobility: The Metro Mobility address is 1710 Randall Avenue, Falcon Heights. There is a drop-off area just outside of the entrance gates of the Garden Fair and Wristband Booth area.
Please call us at 651-621-8930 or email info@Friends SchoolPlantSale.com with any questions about accessibility or additional accommodations.
Going through the Sale
Keep track of your purchases as you go through the sale. You can pick up a shopping list form at the door, or if you like to plan ahead, search plants on our website and save them to your My Plant List, then print out your list and bring it along. You can also hand-write your list ahead of time on our printable form (pdf, 12K). If you bring a list with you, you can cross out anything you don’t buy or change the quantity to your actual purchase as you go through the sale.
We strongly recommend bringing your own cart or wagon to carry your plants. There are some shopping carts available at the sale, but they are in constant use. If you bring a wagon, please label it somehow so it doesn’t get mixed up with someone else’s; and don’t leave your wagon unattended. We love creative carts, but be sure to think about how your cart will function. We can’t allow any sleds, or wagons that are connected together like a train, because they’re hazardous to other shoppers. Here are some ideas from your fellow shoppers.
Temporary plant parking: If you're shopping and need to leave your plants somewhere while you get more, you can park them (with your name) in a volunteer-supervised area near the spot on the sale map where it says Enter Checkout Line.
We encourage you to bring your own flats or trays more than ever (perhaps from a past year). Some shoppers find plastic storage bins work really well because they can be stacked. If you have extra boxes in your garage... bring them along and leave them with us for others to use. We have a Bring Your Own Box raffle — one ticket per box or container. Details here.
Finding the Plants You’re Looking for
In the sale, the catalog numbers are your best means of locating the plants. Each category (such as Annuals or Perennials) has a letter to begin its catalog numbers (G for Grasses, H for Herbs). Remember — the numbers are assigned alphabetically by the common name we give the plants (for instance, Hollyhock, French, rather than French Hollyhock). Plants beginning with U are in Unusual and Rare Plants. There are subcategories in these sections: Annuals (which starts with Outdoor/Indoor Plants), Climbers, Miniatures, and Unusual — so in those sections, the catalog numbers may not appear to be assigned completely alphabetically, but it's because the plants have been divided into subcategories and then numbered alphabetically.
Perennial plant listings that give the pot size as "bulb" or "bareroot" are located on shelves near the Info Desk tent. For other sections, they are on the table within their sections.
The Find Plants section of the site is great for searching ahead of time for plants that meet your needs. For instance, you can ask it to show you all the native plants that are no more than 36" tall with yellow flowers that are good for bees and grow in part sun/part shade, or all the pink perennials with interesting foliage. It's also a good way to quickly find all of the new plants. Check it out when you're making your list! As the sale approaches, you can also ask Find Plants to exclude any plant that's a crop failure, or after the sale has started, you can ask it to exclude plants that have sold out.
We restock plants before we open on Saturday morning if they are marked with the truck symbol.
Keep track of your plants
At the checkouts you will need the plant’s name, its cost, and how many you have. This is important: Shoppers who do not record the cost and quantity for each plant will have to go to the Price Check so they don’t impede those who have recorded the information.
If you have a plant that you cannot identify, stop by the Info Desk under the big ramp outside in front of the Grandstand before getting into the checkout line. All prices must be recorded on your sheet before checkout.
How does it work?
Checkout is a two-step process: Your plants are added up in one area, based on your tally sheet, then you pay at the cashier tables.
You will be able to pay for your plants with check, Apple Pay, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express, or cash. Checks should be made out to Friends School of Minnesota or FSM.
Always write the full price of plants on your tally sheet. On discount Sunday, the one-third discount is taken at the register.
How long does it take?
Be advised that you may have to wait to check out, but as always, we work hard to minimize the wait time. (In fact, if you see a line forming, it may make more sense to wait 10 minutes rather than joining it and making it longer.)
After checkout, you can leave your plants at Curbside Plant Pickup and return to get them in your car. Please drive slowly and watch for pedestrians. (If you used one of our shopping carts, the cart must be left at Curbside Pickup and cannot be taken to your car.) Volunteers in orange vests will help.