About Citron, Buddha's Hand
Aromatic 6–12” yellow fruit is mostly rind and pith with little to no flesh or juice. Commonly candied or used in baking or infusing. Trees are very cold-sensitive and do not like excess watering. One of the oldest citrus fruits. Also known as fingered citron.
About Citrus
Fragrant white flowers and glossy foliage. Needs excellent drainage. All are self-fruitful. Height depends on how many years it’s over-wintered indoors. Our dwarf citrus are grafted onto Flying Dragon rootstock, which keeps the plants below 6' and induces early fruit production. Move indoors when temperatures are below 40°F. Fruits in one to two years, then fruits year-round.
Pot Size & Price
1 gal. pot
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun
Plant Traits
Cold Sensitive