Each year, our commitment to running a Zero Waste effort at the plant sale continues to grow—just like our gardens. Our goal is to compost or recycle at least 90% of the waste generated at the plant sale.
The Minnesota State Fairgrounds has applauded our efforts as the rare event that leaves the site as clean as (or better than) we found it. We started in 2023, expanded in 2024, and are continuing to refine in 2025.
Before and after the plant sale, we set up a system to collect and recycle waste from pallets and big shipments. During the sale, volunteers are at each station to help ensure proper sorting. We’ve worked with food vendors to get only recyclable or compostable cups, bowls, utensils, and plates. This year our intention is to support your own zero waste journey at home.
Stop by the Zero Waste tent for current information, links, and networking for waste management ideas in your own home and garden. And to get or drop off your BYO Box raffle tickets!
We’d love to see you there! —Debbie and Maggie