About Purple Emperor

Muted rosy pink flowers with a yellow throat change pleasantly to lavender, giving the plant a vintage look. Vigorous, trailing, even climbing.

About Nasturtium

Prolific bloomers with edible flowers and leaves that add spice and color to salads. Probably the easiest flower to grow from seed. Just poke each large seed into the ground.

Pot Size & Price
Seed Packets
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun
Plant Traits
Edible Flowers

Other varieties of Nasturtium

Nasturtium Alaska, yellow and orange and red flowers
Photo from Auburn University

Alaska Mix

Nasturtium Bloody Mary Mix, flowers in reds to cream and orange
Photo from Johnny's Selected Seeds

Bloody Mary Mix

Nasturtium 'Empress of India' orange blooms
Photo from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Empress of India

Lemon Gleam nasturtium, light yellow
Photo from Pase Seeds

Gleam Lemon

Orchid Flame nasturtium, dark red to burnt orange with yellow, unique
Photo from Burpee Seeds

Orchid Flame

Nasturtium Organic Blue, flowers in oranges and gold
Photo from High Mowing Seeds

Organic Blend

Phoenix nasturtium, yellow marked with orange, jagged edges
Photo from Burpee Seeds
