About Hopi Black Dye
Yellow 5–12" flowers with edible purple-black seeds that will color your fingers purple. The Hopi people use this dye for fabric and baskets. With different treatments, dye colors include blues, purples, maroons, and even black.
See "Hopi Dyes" by Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton and "A Dyers Garden: From Plant to Pot: Growing Dyes for Natural Fibers" by Rita Buchanan.
About Sunflower
Late summer and fall bloomers, sunflowers are the sentinels of the garden, loved by children and birds alike. Cultivated by southwestern Native peoples as early as 3000 B.C., then taken to Europe by the Spanish around 1500 A.D. It's likely that they will self-seed next year if left in the garden over winter.
Pot Size & Price
Seed Packets
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun
Plant Traits