About Rocket City
Halo of bittersweet orange on a 6” gold-orange flower with an orange eye. Throat and midribs are lighter orange-yellow, and the crimped edges lighter still. Blooms last all day. Early to mid-season.
The many shades of orange make it seem to glow. Robust and cheerful: a time-tested, flower-power daylily from 1967.
About Daylily
Garden favorites whose abundant flowers each last one day. Very easy to grow. Bloom times are early (late June–early July), mid-season (late July) or late (mid– to late August). Daylilies are mid-season unless noted otherwise. Extended bloom means flowers last into evening. Rebloomers will bloom again, later in the season. Tetraploid plants are huskier and have larger flowers. Be sure to plant your bareroot daylilies soon after purchase.