About Elephant Ear

One of these plants has been popping up every July in a shady Northfield, Minnesota, garden since 2018 and is even multiplying. Last year its lone, arrowhead leaf emerged rolled lengthwise, then unfurled to 18" wide by 24" long. The 6–12" flower bloomed, too, similar to a Jack-in-the-pulpit flower, but its wavy-edged burgundy hood enclosed a purple-black "Jack." The mother plant becomes surrounded by a crowd of one-leafed babies. Also known as Chinese Jack-in-the-pulpit. Syn. Sauromatum giganteum.

About Voodoo Lily

From the Himalayas and southern India.

Pot Size & Price
4-in. pot
Sunlight Exposure
Partial Sun shade
Plant Traits

Other varieties of Voodoo Lily