About Wild Calico Aster

The species name means "side flower" because the flowers are generally located on one side of the stems, giving it its other common name, side-flowering aster. Seed from Winona County, Minn.

About Aster, Calico

Half-inch white daisies bloom in loose 10" clusters along widely spreading branches for a month or two starting in mid-August. Narrow leaves become smaller as they go up the stems. In the wild, it prefers woodland and semi-shaded wetlands, so moist soil and some shade will be appreciated. "Calico" (a colorful cloth) refers to the flowers' pale yellow centers that turn reddish purple.

Pot Size & Price
3.5-in. pot
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun Partial Sun
Plant Traits
Minnesota Native
Stock Notes
Restocks On Saturday

Other varieties of Aster, Calico

Aster Lady in Black, close up of the flower centers
Friends School Plant Sale photo by Pat T.

Lady in Black