About Spearmint, Double Mint
Blend of peppermint and spearmint, with a subtle, complex flavor suited for beverages, including mojitos and mint juleps. Pinkish lavender flowers. Perennial.
Concentration of menthol in mints ranges from intense, numbing peppermint (40%) to wintergreen to subtle, warm spearmint (.5%). Why does mint feel cold on the skin? The body senses cold when a certain protein (TRPM8) is activated in your nerve cells. Your brain interprets the signal as the sensation of cold. Menthol has the ability to activate that protein, tricking your nerves to send the signal that you are feeling cold, when you are not.
About Mint
Aromatic and easy. Good for tea and potpourri. The flowers attract butterflies; however, the flavor changes once flowers appear. Spreads, in some cases aggressively, so try planting in a container.