About Le Freak
Narrow burgundy leaves with randomly toothed yellow-green edges. In more shade, leaves are purplish and green. Forms a shaggy mound.
Our grower's website has this to say about Le Freak: "Have you heard about the new coleus craze? Listen to us, I'm sure you will be amazed, big fun to be had by everyone. Young and old are planting it I'm told, just try one, and you too will be sold. It's called "Le Freak." Freak out, Le Freak c'est Chic!" Vicky [the grower] says, "I think I'm too old to get this description."
About Coleus, Sun
With a wide variety of leaf colors and shapes, coleus are fun to mix and match with flowers and other coleus varieties. Easy to grow, propagate from cuttings, and over-winter. These coleus varieties enjoy full or part sun, and often have more vivid colors with more sun.