About African Blue
Showy purple flowers on vigorous, bushy plants with purple-tinged leaves.
From Charissa, a Minnesota gardener: It's my favorite plant, LOVES the weather here, grows like crazy to the point they are more like shrubs. And the bees race me for flowers, if I don't dead head them quickly. It's so beautiful, loves hot summers/sun; fairs much better than other basil when not watered; grows like crazy; and works just like any other basil in pesto. Plant tip: It's good to vary the location of your basil each year. Basil is susceptible to fungal diseases that accumulate in soil over time.
About Basil
Great for tea, pesto, salads, and dressings. Remove flowers for best-tasting leaves, or keep them to feed the bees and butterflies. These tender perennials are native to sunny, warm Mediterranean climates and will not withstand frost. Water regularly and provide good drainage. Don’t plant outdoors until late May. Note: It's a good idea to vary where you plant basil each year because it's susceptible to fungal diseases that accumulate in soil over time. Rotate your crops!