About Evil Olive
75 days. Gorgeous plum tomato is marbled inside and out in shades of green, dark red, orange, and ochre. Juicy, crunchy, and spicy-sweet. Weighs 2–3 ounces each. Makes great salsa. Very long keeper, even into winter. Super productive. Open-pollinated and indeterminate.
The name is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward).
About Tomato, Other
These tomatoes are either F1 hybrids, bred for productivity and disease resistance, or are other recently created varieties. If you save seeds from hybrids, they will not produce the same kind of fruit. Open-pollinated varieties will "come true" from seeds that are saved properly.
Pot Size & Price
4-in. pot
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun
Plant Traits
Cold Sensitive