
Three middle-school-aged students in blue-green tie-dyed t-shirts that say Friends School Plant SaleWe are the Friends School of Minnesota Plant Sale student representatives for 2023. 

Students have been working at the plant sale since it started in 1989 and will be working at the upcoming sale this year! 

Before the sale starts, students help spread the word by helping to distribute catalogs, but our roles don’t end there. Every year during the week leading up to the sale, all of the middle school students gather at the Minnesota State Fair grounds to help set up the sale. We help unload the trucks and get all of the plants onto the benches. As student representatives, it is our job to brief our classmates on certain areas of the sale. Every student also works the first Friday of the Plant Sale.  

Working at the sale is a chance for kids to be pushed out of their comfort zones and learn about real world work and customer service in a way that isn’t possible at other schools. 

The Friends School Plant Sale brings people together. As students, we have come to appreciate having our middle school involved at each sale, especially after the pandemic. It is an incredible opportunity for students and shoppers to interact and create community. A sense of community has felt increasingly vital in the past few years. 

We also always remember how the sale helps our school. The money from the plant sale goes to the school and produces opportunities for Friends School students. The sale aligns with the Quaker values taught at our school—values such as simplicity, stewardship, and community.  

Thank you for supporting our sale and our school. See you at the plant sale!  

—the 7th and 8th grade student representatives