Every plant in the Herb and Vegetable sections of the Friends School Plant Sale is grown without chemical pesticides or herbicides, and from greenhouses operated with sustainable practices.
We also carry a more limited line of USDA-certified-Organic herbs and vegetables, which are marked with our organic icon. At customer request, we've compiled them into a summary. A number of the varieties listed here are seeds.
- H003 Basil - Sweet Genovese, Gustoso
- H004 Basil - Sweet Genovese, Aroma
- H008 Thai Sweet
- H011 Thai Organic
- H034 Cilantro, Santo
- H038 Dill, Greensleeves
- H097 Oregano, Greek
- H101 Parsley, Curly
- H103 Parsley, Italian
- H134 Thyme, English
- V002 Arugula Astro NEW
- Beans
V008 Mardi Gras Blend NEW
V009 Maxibel Haricot Vert NEW
V010 Provider NEW
V013 Lina Sisco’s Bird Egg
V014 Orca NEW - V001 Amaranth, Fercita Mix
- V003 Arugula, Astro
- Beans
V009 Jade Bush NEW
V010 Mardi Gras Blend
V011 Maxibel Haricot Vert
V012 Northeaster Pole NEW
V013 Provider
V014 Black Valentine, Henderson’s Stringless
V016 Orca - V017 Beets, Detroit Dark Red
- V022 Bok Choi, White-Stemmed Pac Choy
- V025 Broccoli, Premium Crop
- Carrots
V044 Cosmic Purple
V045 Danvers Half Long
V046 Lila Lu NEW
V047 Red Cored Chantenay
V048 Starburst Blend
V049 Yaya NEW - Corn, Popcorn
V064 Glass Gem
V065 Megnificent - Corn, Sweet
V066 Hjerfield Blue
V067 Who Gets Kissed - Cucumbers
V070 Green Finger
V071 Marketmore 76
V072 Mini-Me
V073 National Pickling
V074 Shintokiwa
V075 Suyo Long
V076 Bushy - V079 Edamame, Chiba Green
- V087 Eggplant, Little Fingers
- V095 Ground Cherry, Drott’s Yellow
- V098Kale, Dinosaur
- V103 Kale, Ethiopian
- Lettuce
V108 Gourmet Salad Blend
V109 Red Planet Salad Blend
V114 Encore Mixed
V115 Spretnak
V116 Tom Thumb - Melons
V120 PMR Delicious 51
V121 True Love - V143 Parsnip, Halblange
- Peas
V146 Blizzard Snow
V147 Cascadia NEW
V148 PLS 595 Shell
V149 Sweet Gem - Peppers (Hot or Sweet)
V164 Flaming Flare
V173 Jalapeño
V179 Shishito
V180 Carolina Reaper
V194 Sweet Olly
V200 Oranos
V202 Iko Iko
V204 Mini Bell, Chocolate
V205 Mini Bell, Red
V206 Mini Bell, Yellow
V207 Wisconsin Lakes - Potato
V210 Adirondack Blue
V211 Adirondack Red
V212 Austrian Crescent
V213 Dark Red Norland
V214 Magic Molly
V215 Oneida Gold - Pumpkin
V216 Cinderella
V217 Howden
V218 New England Pie NEW
V219 North Circle - Radish
V221 Cherry Belle
V222 Daikon NEW
V223 French Breakfast - V225 Salad Greens, Kaleidoscope Mix
- V229 Spinach, Butterflay
- Squash, Summer
V235 Yellow Crookneck
V236 Zucchini, Stardust NEW
V237 Zucchini, Golden - Squash, Winter
V238 Acorn, Sweet REBA
V239 Buttercup, Burgess
V240 Butternut, Waltham
V241 Delicata, Honey Boat
V242 Red Kuri
V243 Spaghetti - Tomatoes
V272 Brandywine
V274 Yellow Pear
V283 Orange Russian 117
V286 Red Robin
V290 Mixed Heirlooms
V298 Mountain Merit
V308 Peacevine
V311 Sweetie
V318 Choc. Sprinkles
V320 Moonshadow
V322 Sunrise Bumblebee Cherry - Watermelon
V324 Blacktail Mountain
V325 Crimson Sweet
V326 Moon and Stars
Photo of a Brandywine tomato by David.moreno72 from the Wikimedia Commons